What a wild time I’ve had in New Mexico! I had expected to be to Arizona by now but there was so much to see and do in the area that I’m going to be continuing to work for the coming week in the same co-working space I had occupied the week prior.

I drove up to the Santa Fe area which I heard would be an area I would really take pleasure in. And it was! There’s so much to do up here, and I found the culture, scenery, nature, and folks here to be very enjoyable.

I had the privilege of staying over with a friend who became a travel companion during the time of this trip. This was doubly neat as I was able to eat regularly, shower, and actually hang out on a couch for what felt like the first time in weeks. Furthermore, sometimes, traveling alone, I take the pleasure of someone else’s commentary for granted. It’s nice to look at cool sights with someone else, and have an enjoyable banter.

I mentioned in my last post that I traveled up from Albuquerque to Santa Fe by means of traveling through the Jemez National Recreation Area.

I ended up travelling back out that way the following day to make a few stops.

Bandelier National Monument is an expansive, rocky canyon and mesa with remains from an ancient civilzation that dwelled in the area ~11,000 years ago.

I stopped back in at Valles Caldera and took in the huge field in the midst of snowy mountains as a gentle rainstorm approached.

And I again revisited the Spence Hot Springs to hang a hammock for a leisurely afternoon before a soak.

Driving back in the dark was painstaking with elk just loitering about in and along the road.

The next morning, I began the day with a highly recommended blue corn blueberry lavender donut from Whoo’s Donuts.

I stopped by the New Mexico state capital and also made a few rounds at the Santa Fe Plaza to grab some local goods to bring home.

Next, I made the trip up north to the stunning Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, which gave magnificent views of the river on its slow, meandering journey southward.

Nearby was Sawmill mountain and on the way, Eagle Rock Lake with mountain goats aplenty.

I traveled West to Ghost Ranch, with red rock mesa views reminiscent of Moab, Utah.

That evening, I came back into town and had a cheeseburger at Del Charro. The food in town was great — I treated myself to nachos and a steak for dinner at points, and I roast a chicken on Easter.

After the holiday, I visited Meow Wolf, a local art installation that is vast and expansive and made me feel like I was in a huge escape room in a way, with hidden clues and narrative throughout. Even though I spent a few hours there, I don’t think I even fully experienced even like ten percent. I really can’t wait to go back and spend a looooong time in there.

During my extended stay in the area, I also revisited the Black Volcanoes, which were even windier than the first time, but still offered a great view. (Apparently Spring in New Mexico is the windy season — yesterday there were sustained winds of 27mph. Easy breezy!)

So that’s about it! I’m finishing up work today and tomorrow, and then heading off to Arizona next. Let’s hope it goes well!