So here’s the tale of my trip back home: it occurred over the period of two weeks with various stops in between.
It’s been surprising to me how little travel I needed this spring to feel sated. As it is I’m sitting at home, cozy on the couch, enjoying early May and the warmth, new plant growth, and flitting chirping birds of my home base. It has made me lazy to continue, but I’ll send you this final update on my travel for now before writing on other subjects.
I zipped across Washington and settled in Boise Idaho for a while. I’m a big Idaho fan, but declined to visit much more there this go around suspecting snow, which I was deeply burnt out on.
Boise has a nice downtown area, with a bunch of cute shops, good eats, and walkable space. I’d visited here about two years ago and checked out their phenomenal greenbelt park along the river. This time I stayed in town, and grabbed some food at Fork before checking out a local art installation at the Freak Alley Gallery.

On the way Southward I stopped in Twin Falls to see Perrine Memorial Bridge and Shoshone Falls. The falls were a bit bare this year, with less water freely flowing than in years prior I’d visited.

On the trip South of Salt Lake, I of course hit another snow storm, and had to slide down a mountain late night to make it to Price before heading down to Moab the next morning. I’m so. Fucking. Sick. Of snow.

Early the next morning I headed down to the Needles District of Canyonlands hoping to embark on the Chesler Park hike. However, the park was the most crowded I’ve ever seen, likely because of the ticketed entrance being instated at Arches, leaving families to have to devise new plans in the area. This meant I could not find parking at the trailhead, and was ushered away by a park ranger. Next time I’ll have to come at dawn.
There were a few other hikes there to do, which were worth it despite my disappointment about earlier.

I stayed in Moab, and revisited the local Hidden Valley hike to show a friend the sights and see the cacti begin to flower.

Excitingly, I did another leg of this trail I hadn’t been aware of before, when I was just trying to avoid the annoying and infuriating droning of a Freud-worshipping r/iamverysmart eugenicist I had unfortunately been saddled beside for the hike. I digress, though — if you travel to the end, then head up, and bear left, there’s a bunch of huge panels of petroglyphs which are fucking fascinating. Check it out and let me know what you see.

Starving, in town I checked out the Quesadilla Mobilla, and holy shit the food there was great. Moab put in a new food truck park and I chilled, ate, and listened to live music.

My stay was short, as the relentless drive East was beckoning. So I drove up my beloved 128 on the way to i-70, where, you guessed it — more snow. I’m so fucking done. There was a three-hour slowdown in addition to a blizzard. I was never so grateful to have someone else to drive.

I stayed in Fort Collins, Colorado with a friend I’d met hiking in Moab. I say this time and time again, but people are so nice. I’ve been so deeply appreciative of the help and company of folks I’ve met on my travels.
I worked and kicked ass and then of course had to make a stop at Rocky Mountain National Park, surprisingly one of the few in the country I’ve not yet frequented. I’ll have to return because the majority of it was closed due to snow but I did like what I briefly saw.

I also made a stop in Denver at the Meow Wolf exhibit there, Convergence Station. I freaking loved the Santa Fe Meow Wolf, and this was much the same — they’re hard to describe, it’s like a trippy adult playground/art exhibit/escape room. I spent about 5 hours in there to uncover the story. Big fan of DA Breadsticks over here.

After that, it was East, East, East. Not much to say outside a smattering of photos.

I did wake up at 7am one day before getting home to the sound of my rear windshield shattering. I have no idea how it happened; I was parked in a hotel lot and it was warm and temperate. I was very grateful to be on the way home, that’s for sure.

I’m very glad to be home. I’m getting a lot of work done, relaxing and reading, and reconnecting with loved ones. I’m thinking I’ll do some small weekend trips to the mountains and the beach, and likely head to Utah again in the fall. For now, I’m taking care of my car and my health and wellness.